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Jackfruit Value Chain Analysis in Uganda

 Author: Advocacy Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture (ACSA)  Category: Value Chain  Published: 2018  ISBN: 9789970522040  Country: Uganda  Language: English  Tags: jackfruitValue-chain |

This study presents findings from a jackfruit Value Chain Analysis in Uganda. It presents information regarding all activities along the production chain of jackfruit right from land preparation, seed selection and planting/weeding, harvesting transportation, postharvest handling, marketing, packaging and disposal.

The research further considered exploiting jackfruit potential in relation to; social, economic and cultural benefits/attachments, multiple uses, varieties, market dynamics, stakeholders involvement, as well as consumption demand and supply chain.

The study was endorsed to facilitate research and advocacy activities for promoting jackfruit value trees as for agroforestry and carbon sink as well as agro-processing and marketing aimed at increasing incomes for farmers in the fruit sector in Uganda.

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