Tanzanian imported grain on the increase | Week 17, 2022

maize grain and corn

Unexpectedly, there was a reduction in the grain price in the main market of Kisenyi Kampala. Suddenly, the volume of maize grain imported from Tanzania increased and the quality has since improved too. This affected the high grain price in Kampala which had risen to Ugx.1400/kg down to Ugx.1320/kg at wholesale. Meanwhile, maize imported from Tanzania was delivered in different grades and at different prices. It was noted, however, that the quality from Tanzania is improving and cost Ugx.1250/kg. This equally affected the maize flour price because millers interested in good quality Posho could not use grain from Tanzania. A kilo of Super quality Posho cost Ugx.1150/kg at wholesale while maize bran cost Ugx.700/kg.

At Mutukula border post, maize and rice were imported in different grades. Maize cost Ugx.1210-1180/kg depending on quality. However, first grade rice cost Ugx.87,000 per 25kg sack. Transit traders noted that the quality of both maize and rice were not as good as supply received last year. Supply was also expected to increase in the course of the month of May.

At the border post market of Busia, very low demand for maize grain was reported. Traders substituted Ugandan maize for the Tanzanian supply because the current price for the Ugandan crop was too high. Good quality maize was offered at Ugx.1419/kg (Ksh.47). Several transit traders from nearby Kenyan towns turned up at Busia and bought maize informally via the porous border daily. It is estimated that 300MT were purchased informally via the border. And less than 100MT were purchased formally via the main gate heading to long distances.

Ugandan maize cost Ugx.1450/kg (Ksh.48) compared to the Tanzanian import at Ugx.1350/kg (Ksh.44.7). Some other markets also registered a reduction in the grain price this week. Traders in Kamwenge bought maize grain at Ugx.1230-1240/kg compared to the previous week’s price of Ugx.1300/kg. Likewise, Transit traders in Kyankwanzi/Kiboga offered grain at Ugx.1100/kg compared to Ugx.1300/kg the previous week.

The market in Kampala also reported new beans supply from Tanzania especially Nambaale and Yellow beans. The new Nambale beans cost Ugx.3000/kg while Yellow cost Ugx.3200/kg. Short Nambaale was more expensive at Ugx.3500/kg wholesale. Other varieties offered included Kahura at Ugx.2800/kg, White at Ugx.2800/kg and Mixed beans at Ugx.2400/kg.

Apparently, rice delivered from Tanzania was offered in Kampala at Ugx.3400-3600/kg at wholesale. Some good quality dry cassava chips were also delivered along.

An estimated 350MT of assorted beans were purchased and delivered formally via the main gate on a daily to Kenya. There was demand for beans at the border produce market and an estimated 150MT on a daily were exported informally via the porous border. Yellow beans were preferred and cost Ugx.2884/kg (Ksh.95.5) while Rosecoco cost Ugx.2657/kg (Ksh/88). Wailimu and Mixed beans cost Ugx.2355/kg (Ksh.78) and Ugx.2053/kg (Ksh.68) respectively.

Other commodities demanded at this market included Millet at Ugx.2627/kg (Ksh.87), Cassava chips at Ugx.1250/kg (Ksh.41.3) Pure Red sorghum at Ugx.1359-1419/kg (Ksh.45-47), Green grams at Ugx.2627/kg (Ksh.87), Groundnuts at Ugx.5073/kg (Ksh.168) and Simsim at Ugx.5134/kg (Ksh.170).

The fresh commodity market indicated that passion fruits, Tomatoes and Oranges were very expensive and oranges were outsourced from Tanzania during scarcity. Purple passion fruits from Masaka cost between Ugx.700,000-750,000 per sack while a ply of tomatoes cost Ugx.350,000-400,000. A sack of oranges cost Ugx.130,000-140,000 delivered to Kampala-Owino market. Green pepper cost Ugx.60,000-80,000 per sack while Entula cost Ugx.20,000-30,000 per sack.

Download this week’s Price Outlook (25th â€“ 30th April, 2022) for the detailed wholesale and retail prices of selected commodities across the various regional markets in Uganda.

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