Agrarian Policy Issue Tracker
The agriculture sector is very sensitive to emerging issues that may be social, economic, cultural, and environmental, which are often overlooked in planning and implementation processes by stakeholders at different levels, and yet they heavily impact on food security as well as sustainability livelihood options.
Through our objective of “ACSA Member Organizations (MOs) and small holder farmers influencing the agrarian policy and budgeting processes at different levels”, ACSA will continuously identify and popularize the emerging Agrarian policy issues for dissemination among MOs and other stakeholders to inform advocacy initiatives towards improved legislation, resource allocation and service delivery. Therefore, these publications are meant to track key agrarian policy issues over a specified period of time as indicated in the particular issue.
The Agrarian Policy Issue Tracker is a publication of ACSA which monitors key emerging agrarian policy issues at International, Continental, and National levels. Additionally, it also tracks the current status of agrarian and related bills in the Ugandan parliament within the specified period.
Latest Publications
- Issue No.11 - December, 2023
- Issue No.9 - October, 2023
- Issue No.10 - November, 2023
- Issue No.8 - September, 2023
- Issue No.7 - August, 2023
- Issue No.6 - July, 2023
- Issue No.5 - June, 2023
- Issue No.4 - May, 2023
- Issue No.3 - April, 2023
- Issue No.2 - February, 2023
- Issue No.1 - January, 2023