Model Farmers in Sustainable Organic Agriculture, 2024

Model farmers are a common feature of many developing countries` agricultural extension networks within which they demonstrate new farming techniques and approaches to the local communities. The diverse political-economic and socio-cultural roles that such farmers assume, however, are rarely afforded critical scrutiny. To do so, we emphasize the ways in which model farmers facilitate not only the production and transfer/sharing of knowledge, but also of farming materials. Knowledge transfer occurs both horizontally to community members and vertically through linkages with extension agents, research institutions and private sector interests. 

In order to contribute to effective and efficient knowledge sharing among small holder farmers, ACSA works  towards realizing its mandate of ensuring farmer’s access to reliable and quality extension services directly through the membership and across network(s). As specified by ACSA under its specific objective of “ACSA Member Organizations (MOs) access, generate, exchange and disseminate information and innovations to the benefit of the smallholder farmers, at all levels”, ACSA  documented these model farmers in the year 2023 among the membership, demonstrating sustainable farming systems and approaches with significant results so as to provide the necessary practical information to other smallholders farmers in creating grounds for evidence-based advocacy for better agrarian policies.

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