A higher maize grain price was recorded in Kampala City markets compared to the previous week. In Kisenyi-Owino market, Ugandan maize grain sold at Ugx.1130/kg at an additional Ugx.50/kg compared to the previous week’s price. Millers offered to buy Tanzanian maize cheaper at Ugx.1080/kg. The increment in the home grown grain price affected the maize flour price higher at Ugx.85,000-90,000 per sack weighing 100kgs.
Maize was reported flowing back from Kenya to Uganda via Busia at a cheaper price. On the Uganda side of the border, maize from Kenya cost Ksh.29.5/kg (Ugx.914) while home grown grain currently offseason at Ksh.35/kg (Ugx.1085). The market is expected to receive the 2nd seasonal maize harvest late probably in December and January. Arua city market continued to receive maize grain from Congo border areas.
The Kapchorwa grain harvest continued to offer maize at Ugx.800/kg. Transit traders from the eastern and northern regions bought grain from this market.
Plenty of tomatoes continue to reach major city markets. In Kampala a ply box weighing 100-120kgs declined to as low as Ugx.120, 000. The harvest of tomatoes is on and usually market prices drop to very low level. In the tomato trading section, different pricing factors affected the market trend which included the size of tomato, how hard and the shape of tomato. Unfortunately some of the pesticides sprayed on the tomatoes to harden have serious life threatening health effects.
In Arua City market, supply was delivered from Kampala and Mbale. Supply from Kampala cost Ugx.200, 000-250,000 depending on quality.
In the beans sector, brisk trading was reported at Busia produce border market. An estimated 1500-1800 Mt were purchased on a daily destined for Kenya. Majority of traders from Kenya demanded for beans among other commodities. Wailimu beans cost Ksh.39-40/kg, Rosecoco beans at Ksh.50-51/kg, Army green beans at Ksh.55-56/kg, mixed beans at Ksh.35-35/kg, Kahura beans at Ksh.57/kg, short Nambale at Ksh.52/kg and yellow beans at Ksh.55/kg. The quality was not well dried with high moisture content.
Other commodities demanded by the Kenyan traders included dry cassava chips at Ksh.29/kg, millet grain at Ksh.78/kg, red sorghum at Ksh.37/kg, green grams at Ksh.67/kg, groundnuts at Ksh.145/kg, Simsim at Ksh.160/kg and soya beans at Ksh.75/kg.
Beans prices were recorded lower in Kampala markets. Yellow beans were offered at Ugx.1800/kg while Nambale beans at Ugx.1,400-1600/kg, army green beans at Ugx.1700-1800/kg and sugar beans were scarce and expensive at Ugx.3200/kg wholesale.
Download this week’s Price Outlook (8th – 13th November) for the detailed prices of selected commodities across the various regions of Uganda.